Michael Sytsma, PhD and Jeff & Shaunti Feldhahn in partnership with the American Association of Christian Counselors

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Addressing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Sex is intended for connection and is an important part of marriage.  Yet sexual issues often cause distress. It doesn’t have to be that way! Some simple solutions and insight can bring a couple together in much greater understanding and intimacy.
The following resources are part of the Love, Sex and Money project and are specifically designed to provide help with sexual intimacy.

Secrets of Sex & Marriage

Released in February 2023 this research-based book reveals the essential “Aha moments” that help couples enhance sexual connection and prevent (or solve!) the most common sex-related confusion and conflict points.

This is not a comprehensive sex manual but a focused book identifying eight little things that make a big difference. You can have the intimate connection you want and need.


Sexual Desire in Marriage

Do you ever wonder if something is not quite right with your sexual desire? Ever experience conflict in your marriage related to sexual desire?

The Sexual Desire in Marriage Video Course contains 24 short videos complete with couple exercises for each video designed to help couples decrease conflict over issues related to sexual desire.

If you are married, you want to watch this course.

Passionate Intimacy Workshop – Online

This 6-hour online workshop has been proven effective by hundreds of couples attending the live workshop. Now, you can listen to the teaching and follow along in the workbook in the comfort of your own home.

The course includes all teaching and a downloadable workbook. Read what previous participants have said on the web page.

For Professionals

Sexualis Veritas (Sexual Truth) provides the sex  therapy professional with information valueable to their work including:

    • Sex in the News – Curated information on sexual issues.
    • Sexual Research Review – Review and analysis of current research into sexuality.

In partnership with the American Association of Christian Counselors